Wednesday 10 March 2010

Your Jen Minute

Well...Jen 52 seconds, but that isn't as catchy right? Hey y'all! I am so happy to have the day off and be mommy :-D We're going on a nature walk with the little guy's class.

Anyhow, that hand motion after I talked about the delicious, humongous apple was a jazz hand! Did you catch that? "The Boss of You" is really an awesome book. Check their blog out too. I've been working on my business for two years and this is the first book that I've really connected with, asked me the questions I've been asking myself, and helps guide the process. I'm so excited to see what will come of this. I'll be telling you more later!

OK, better get the kid ready for the trip! Husband had an interview yesterday so please send awesome vibes that he lands it!! Sister's due date has been pushed up and mom are fine!

I hope all is well in your world! Let me know the haps.

*love and hugs* Jen

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